It’s Christmas – Get into the spirit with these top reads

At long last, it’s Christmas. Time for mince pies, Christmas pudding, mulled wine – and heart-warming Christmas tales from across the centuries. Here’s a list of some of the best to get you right in the mood.

I’m not going to lie: I love Christmas. From the seasonal food and drink to the bright-lighted decorations, from the special Christmas offers to the Christmas carols, everything is wonderful. Is it superficial and just a lot of commercialism? Perhaps in part, but I do think there’s something underlying the holiday season which is a bit more genuine.

Especially when it comes to our Christmas stories, there’s been a good number of great ones throughout the years. Some come particularly close to capturing ‘what Christmas is actually about’. They’re usually heart-warming, fun and endearing. Not to mention most of these stories have brilliant film adaptations, meaning that you can enjoy both reading and watching them!

So without much further ado, here’s my list of some of the best Christmas classics to read this December!

Valentine Davies – Miracle on 34th Street

Probably better known as the 1947 film of the same name, Davies wrote this short novella after the script for the film. You can see why – it’s an endearing tale, and it earned him an Academy Award for Best Story, and it proved to be hugely popular. There’s no question about it: this film is very ‘Christmasy’.

It tells the story of a little girl who is highly doubtful of the myth surrounding Santa Claus. Her mother hires a man called Kris Kringle to pose with kids at a store – but he claims to be the real Santa. Needless to say this leads to the threat of institutionalisation, but the girl and her mother come to his aid. It’s moving, funny and entertaining, and reading it is just as good as watching the film. Just avoid the remake…

J. R. R. Tolkien – The Father Christmas Letters

It’s endearing to what lengths parents will go to ensure their children have a lovely time at Christmas. J. R. R. Tolkien with no exception, and starting in 1920 he wrote a ‘letter from Father Christmas’ each year until 1942 for his own. They were released posthumously for the whole world to enjoy.

The stories aren’t always told from Father Christmas’s perspective, but sometimes from the perspective of his secretary (an elf, as one might quote rightly expect). They narrate the adventures of Father Christmas, his helpers, a North Polar Bear and his cubs. Some of the stories even feature references to WWII and battles against goblins. The Letters are imaginative and enjoyable, and the story of their creation is absolutely moving – earning them a spot on this list.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

Oh my god! It’s a Sherlock Holmes story – set around Christmas time! What more could you get? …well, to be fair, as far as exploring Christmas itself goes, this is probably not the strongest entry on this list, but it does contain Arthur Conan Doyle-typical depictions of Victorian/Edwardian London during Christmas time.

It’s probably best to think of this as the late 19th-century equivalent to modern-day Christmas TV specials (such as Dr Who, Downton Abbey etc.) – and it’s brilliantly entertaining. It tells the story of how a priceless blue carbuncle is stolen and a reformed thief is believed to be the culprit. It’s even one of the more humorous Sherlock Holmes stories with plenty of witty remarks and hilarious situations. Great for a light read.

Dr Seuss – How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

I must confess, I’m not the biggest Dr Seuss fan around. It’s just not something I grew up with, and as an adult, while I find some of his rhymes playful and enjoyable, they just don’t do much for me. Nevertheless, I can hardly ignore how important How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is in the world of children’s literature, and I do enjoy this one quite a bit.

The Grinch is a bit like a cartoony version of Ebenezer Scrooge and plots to steal everyone’s presents to ruin their Christmas, only to realise that they still enjoy it by being there for each other. It’s genuinely quite heart-warming to see him realise ‘the true meaning of Christmas’ – and the original cartoon adaptation is almost perfect. Certainly a must-read at some point, especially with/for younger children.

Hans Christian Andersen – The Little Match Girl

Not so much an actual Christmas story as a story set around Christmas, this is no doubt the most depressing of all on this list. It tells the story of a little girl selling matches in winter who ends up freezing to death. She uses her matches in a final act of trying to warm herself and sees some endearing visions of a better life.

Hans Christian Andersen’s writing is amazing, and this story is no exception. There are probably few fairy tales that evoke emotions as well as this, and it certainly makes people want to give money to charity – an excellent achievement by any standard, especially for a Christmas story.

Charles Dickens – Christmas Stories (incl. The Chimes and A Christmas Carol)

I hate to be predictable, but I’d easily put Charles Dickens on the top of this list on any given day. After all, he did practically invent some of the Christmas traditions we still celebrate today (at least in the West), and his stories are moving, funny, astonishingly well-written and all-around just enjoyable.

While there are quite a few good ones to choose from, predictably A Christmas Carol is by far the greatest, and perhaps the most famous Christmas story of all time (well… apart from THE Christmas story). Not only that, but it’s also an excellent story to adapt for television – which you probably already know. I always get excited when seeing new adaptations and like to watch a new one every year.

Closing Thoughts

I hope you found this list enjoyable and will seek out at least some of these to read this December. Christmas is a time of joy to the world and has many great elements to it, and these stories all capture the spirit of the season excellently well. Merry Christmas!

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Beauty in Death: St Pancras Old Church

Tucked neatly between St Pancras International and St Pancras Hospital, the small and wonderful St Pancras Old Church and its gorgeous churchyard ooze a feeling of enigmatic beauty. But what is it that makes this location so strangely alluring?

The old church is not something you’d expect to find in central London. Obvious for the area of one of the largest train stations in one of Europe’s biggest cities, everything around King’s Cross and St Pancras International is gigantic, overwhelming, industrial.

And if you think of a church in the area, chances are you’d be more inclined to conjure images of St Pancras Church in your mind – the Greek Revival church with its ionic columns and eerie caryatides on several sides of the building. The thing is, this church is comparatively new.

A bit of history…

The beautiful St Pancras Old Church, on the other hand, is ancient – and rather small. As the newly built up areas around St Pancras, especially near Euston Road, were beginning to boom, the parish quickly decided that it was time for a larger church, so in 1816 they began building the new St Pancras Church.

The old church, on the other hand, is believed to be one of the oldest sites of Christian worship in England. In earlier times the parish of St Pancras stretched almost the whole way from Oxford Street to Highgate. The local population abandoned the site in the 14th century and the church was left to its demise, with services only held about once a month at the end of the 18th century. When St Pancras Church was completed in 1822 its predecessor lost its status as a parish church.

Today, St Pancras Old Church is the parish church of Somers Town and a popular go-to place for people seeking a bit of peace and quiet – rather fascinating considering its central location. But it’s also a spectacular place to visit for arts-enthusiasts.

A lovely churchyard…

Shaded gently by many lovely mature trees, the churchyard of St Pancras Old Church also has a fascinating history. It was a popular burial place for many Roman Catholics from around London, including French refugees, the last resting place of composers Carl Friedrich Abel and Johann Christian Bach, as well as sculptor John Flaxman. There’s even a memorial tomb for Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, the writers and philosophers who are today probably more widely known as the parents of Mary Shelley.

But the churchyard’s greatest allure is its peaceful nature. Because of its variety of trees and green spaces and sweet looking gravestones, it’s just a nice place to be. It’s ideal to rest and sit down for a while, perhaps while reading the odd book or contemplating the old stones that decorate the entire area.

A literary background

For literary enthusiasts, St Pancras Old Church is an equally important place to visit. Jerry Cruncher in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities is a body snatcher who makes his way to the churchyard at night to steal some corpses for dissection at medical schools.

It was also here that the future Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley planned their marriage at the grave of Mary Wollstonecraft. The Shelleys, of course, would go down in literary history as one of the greatest collaborating couples.

The Hardy Tree

The Hardy Tree, one of the Great Trees of London, is probably the most spectacular of sites to visit if you happen to go to the churchyard. The large ash tree’s roots partially reach out from the soil, forming their way through a pile of neatly arranged headstones surrounding it, making both rock and wood an intricate part of each other.

Such an odd sight deserves an explanation. The tree gets its name from Thomas Hardy – obviously nowadays known for his great novels such as Tess or Jude, as well as his poetry – who worked here at a young age in the 1860s. He oversaw the excavation of the graveyard while the Midland Railway built the London terminus. Since many of the gravestones were in the way, they placed them in a linear fashion around the tree. More gruesomely, as the railway tracks were being built, many corpses would have been exposed to the open air, so Hardy had to excavate them before the building began – possibly one explanation for the generally gloomy tone in his novels and poetry.

Closing Thoughts

If you’re around King’s Cross or St Pancras International, be sure to visit St Pancras Old Church. If not for the sake of the church itself, then certainly because of its eerie and unnatural churchyard. It’s beautiful and uncanny, and you’re certain to love it.

There’s just something fascinating about cemeteries – especially those overladen with as much history as St Pancras. Perhaps it’s also a fascination with the morbid and death which draws us to the kind of appreciation of ceremonies related to laying people to rest.

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